Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Twin Atlantic - An InfoGraphic

The band that i have chosen to base my info graphic on is Twin Atlantic. I chose this band as their music appealed to me and I knew a bit about them before starting this project. This made the research stage a lot more interesting as I was keen to find out more and listen to more than just their main songs.

I quickly realised that one of Twin Atlantic's major focal points, is the tours that they play throughout the whole year. Having started touring as main headliners in 2009, I decided to research all the places that they have played between then and the present day. I then thought about the sound that Twin Atlantic produce, which is very energetic and hence decided that I should be using bright colours to communicate the type of music that they play.

In the design, I wanted to get across the relation between Twin Atlantic and the ocean which was an inspiration for their name. I therefore decided to add the ripple effect in the background. The ripple centre is placed on Glasgow as this is where the band are originally from and in a sense their music started there.

When I was placing the places that Twin Atlantic have played onto the maps, I decided that the names of the places were not the thing I wanted the viewer to focus on, it was the vast area that the band has covered in just a couple of years. For this reason I decided to only put on a few of the places that the band have played the most.

I think the simplicity of the design communicates well as it shows the main points that I feel relate to Twin Atlantic. The ocean related music which is energetic and irregular and also the amount of effort that the band put into touring and playing to a wide range of audience all over the world.


  1. A lot of thought and research has gone into this and you have shown how wide spread their venues are well. I really liked the ripple effect, as well as ripples in water it reminds me of a sonar which obviously relates to sound, which gives the effect more meaning.
    I am not sure about the relevance of the typefaces used for the cities though. Maybe you could have used different typefaces to suggest the feeling of each city to show the differences in the bands venues.
    And I know we were all limited to space and most of the bands venues are in the UK so you wanted to show it on a large scale but I think you should show the UK closer to its realistic size compared to America.

  2. I love the colours you've use for your map, are you trying the reflect the 'ocean' aspect of the band's name? If so then it works, thats what I automatically assocaited with. Even without you mentioning the ripple effect from Glasgow, I knew thats what you were trying to tell the viewer. I already knew they were from Glasgow but anyone with a brain would be able to work that out so well done.
    The coloured dots work well too, they really contrast well with the map's subtle tones and are very clear. Although the red and the orange look too similar, maybe exaggerate the difference between them? Or use a different colour, its a wee bit confusing to tell them apart.
    I kind of agree with michael about the scale of america and britain but then I don't know if that would make it more difficult to see the detail.
    Also I don't know how about the text size on the city names, maybe keep them all the same size? I just don't know if the different sizes work as well as they could. I understand you want the size to reflect the number of times they have played their but the inconsistency looks a bit odd. Maybe make it more like a map and have all the city names the same size? Just a thought.
    I really love the overall design though. It communicates well and and I like the elements that reflect the band's history and ideals. Good job scott!
